Urban Kit Invasion: Sustainability & Innovation

Urban Kit Invasion is a project that was born in the wake of tactical urban planning, the one that sees temporariness not in its negative meaning but as a paradigmatic sign of our times.

It also touches on the issue of social commitment as it proposes to equip cities with a kit of special containers that can be moved and assembled like a lego to create small public spaces equipped where the urban void asks us to be urgently rethought pending of a permanent solution.

We started from the analysis of similar experiences made abroad in the residential and commercial fields and we have adapted them to the Italian situation where there is a need to create low-cost meeting spaces in the suburbs. We also discovered along the way that this project is, in its small way, a universal system applicable everywhere.

Urban Kit Invasion is a public space organization system that is also based on the concept of circular economy and sustainability as it is made with recycled containers and construction materials.

UKI is off-grid thanks to the integration of photovoltaic panels for lighting, a wifi charging service.

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